07 Apr 2022

How To Use: IKAWA Cup

IKAWA Cup is a set of cupping tools in the IKAWA Pro App specifically designed to make all elements of cupping easier for coffee roasters.

Anyone with an iOS device can use IKAWA Cup, whether or not they have roasted their samples on an IKAWA roaster. You just need the app – download it here.

IKAWA Roasted Coffees

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Click here to download a PDF version.

Link Physical & Digital Coffees

1. When roasting your sample, you can now easily organise them in the app:

a. Use this new button to take a photo of your green sample label. This is stored with the roast and RoastID

b. Write down the unique RoastID in the orange circle on your roasted sample

c. Doing this will mean that your physical coffee and digital record are now linked! 🤝

2. When your samples are done roasting, go to the new IKAWA Cup section of the IKAWA Pro App

Creating the Cupping & Inviting People to Join

3. Press “Create New Table” to set up a new cupping

4. Add coffees: go to “Recent IKAWA Roasts” and find the RoastIDs from your samples. This is where it’s really easy if you have done this during your roasting!

5. Save the table and you will see the coffees you selected in a list. Use this time to make sure the order of the coffees in real life matches the order in the app. (hint: the order you select when adding to table will be the order you see them here)

6. Press “next” to start the cupping and now is a great time to start the kettles and get grinding.

7. Invite people to join the cupping. Anyone can join, they just need the app and an account. And it’s free.

Cupping Form

8. When the coffee is ground, you can “start cupping” and evaluate the fragrance and aroma.

9. You will see all of your coffees in a list. You can quickly rate them and add notes, and if you wish to add more details to a coffee just click into it like this:

10. Press “preview results” to see what information you have added. From there you can continue to edit or “close table”

Share Results

11. When you have closed a table, you will no longer be able to edit your results. You will now reveal which coffee was which on the table and see the full results.

12. Share you results by pressing this button (all coffees) or this one (individual coffee)

Non-IKAWA Roasted Coffees

Any trouble viewing this HowTo guide on your device?
Click here to download a PDF version.

Create the Cupping

1. Go to the new IKAWA Cup section of the IKAWA Pro App

2. Press “Create New Table” to set up a new cupping

Link Physical & Digital Coffees

3. Press “Add external roasts” – this is where any coffee (ie: coffees that are not in the Roast Log on the app) can be added to a cupping

4. You will see a 3 digit roastID. Write this on the physical coffee

5. You will also be prompted to add a photo of the coffee – we recommend this, rather than typing in the information, as it’s the easiest way to capture the most information.

6. You now have a unique RoastID matched with a photo of your coffee. Press “create and select coffee” to add it to your table.

7. Repeat for all coffees. 

8. Save the table and you will see the coffees you selected in a list. Use this time to make sure the order of the coffees in real life matches the order in the app.

9. Press “next” to start the cupping. Now is a great time to start the kettles and get grinding.

Invite People to Join

10. Invite people to join the cupping by pressing the invite button.
Other people just need the app and an account to join. Otherwise, it’s free.


11. When the coffee is ground, you can “start cupping” and evaluate the fragrance and aroma.

12. You will see all of your coffees in a list. You can quickly rate them and add notes, and if you wish to add more details to a coffee just click into it like this:

13. Press “preview results” to see what information you have added.
From there you can continue to edit or “close table”

Share Results

14. When you have closed a table, you will no longer be able to edit your results.
You will now see which coffee was which on the table and see the full results.

15. Share you results by pressing this button (all coffees) or this one (individual coffee)

Let us know your feedback (both good and bad), and we’ll continue to share news on new updates and features.

author-img By Geoff Woodley